Did you know we have a Customer Rewards Program? Being the happy customer you are, you automatically earn Customer Rewards Points for every item you have cleaned. It's our way of saying "Thank You" to our loyal customers.

How do Customer Rewards Points work? It's simple. Each dollar you spend on dry cleaning or laundry at our store will earn you one Customer Reward Point. For every 100 points you earn, you will receive a $5 coupon, good for any of your future visits. Your Customer Rewards Points are automatically kept track of on our computer system at the store. That way you'll never have to worry about losing punch cards or membership cards.




Presto Cleaners | 1555 N Verdugo Rd, Unit 103 | Glendale, CA 91208

Toll Free: 877.360.7737 | E-mail: questions@prestocleaners.com